Pendidikan, Sains Dan Teknologi2024-10-09T14:59:57+00:00Editor-in-Chief : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains Dan Teknologimuzawirometdo89@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="margin-left: 20px; text-align: justify;">Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains dan Teknologi (E-ISSN : <a href="">2963-5373</a>) Merupakan Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh CV.ITTC – INDONESIA. Redaksi menerima kiriman hasil kajian dan penelitian di bidang ilmu , Pengembangan dan implementasi model pembelajaran, Pengembangan bahan ajar, Teknologi Pembelajaran, Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan, Pembelajaran Online, Media Pembelajaran, Strategi Pembelajaran, dan Model Pembelajaran, Matematika Terapan dalam Pendidikan dan Industri, Fisika Terapan dalam Pendidikan dan Industri, Biologi Terapan dalam Pendidikan dan Industri, Kimia Terapan dalam Pendidikan dan Industri, Teknik Elektronika, Big Data, Robotika, Teknologi Masa Depan, Kecerdasan Buatan, Teknik Elektro, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Telekomunikasi, Informasi, Teknologi Komunikasi, dan Teknologi Cerdas. <strong>Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains dan Teknologi terbit 4 issu dalam setahun, issue 1 (Januari - Maret), issue 2 ( April-Juni ),issue 3 ( juli-September),issue 4 ( Oktober-Desember )</strong></p> <p style="margin-left: 20px; text-align: justify;"><strong><img src="" alt="" /></strong></p> Nilai Karakter Kejujuran Pada Anak Usia Dini 5-6 Tahun Melalui Kegiatan Market Day Di RA Nurul ‘Ain Jakarta Utara2024-09-27T15:45:20+00:00Siti Nurjanahdetisinur@gmail.comRoza Yenita Rosayenita@gmail.comRhoma Iskandar<p><strong><em>Siti Nurjanah, The Influence Of Honesty Values On Early Childhood Aged 5-6 Years Through Market Day Activities at RA Nurul Ain, North Jakarta (2024). Thesis. Jakarta : Faculty Of Educational Sciences, Early Sciences, Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Panca Sakti Bekas,2024. This study aims to analyze the influence of honesty character values in early childhood through the market day activity at RA Nurul Ain. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method to obtain a deep understanding of the implementation of the market day activity in cultivating the honesty character in children aged 5-6 years. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation during the activity. The results show that the market day activity effectively fosters the honesty character in early childhood. The children were trained to be honest in transactions and to understand the importance of honesty through direct learning in a supportive environment. This activity is supported by the active role of teachers who provide guidance and evaluation, as well as the use of habituation and socio-drama methods. The involvement of teachers in introducing the concept of honesty through stories and simulations before the activity proved to be crucial in helping the children understand the values being taught. The implications of this study suggest that the market day activity can be an effective tool in character education for early childhood. Therefore, it is recommended that other educational institutions consider adopting or adapting similar activities in their efforts to instill character values in their students.</em></strong></p>2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kualitatif Kemandirian Anak Usia Dini Melalui Regulasi Diri2024-09-27T15:46:48+00:00Azizah Nurul Izzatiazizahnurulizzati@gmail.comLia<p><em>Penelitian ini </em><em>bertujuan untuk meneliti peran </em><em>regulasi diri dalam meningkatkan kemandirian anak usia 5-6 tahun di TKIT IBS Al-Ikhlas Bekasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasional dan wawancara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami bagaimana anak usia 5-6 tahun mengatur perilaku, emosi, dan proses kognitif mereka untuk mencapai kemandirian. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi partisipatif dan wawancara semi tertrsuktur dengan guru sebagai pengasuh di sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa regulasi diri berperan penting dalam kemampuan anak untuk menyelesaikan tugas sendiri, mengatur waktu, dan mengendalikan emosi. Observasi dan wawancara menunjukkan bahwa anak yang memiliki kemampuan regulasi diri lebih kuat lebih mampu menunjukkan kemandirian dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian juga menyorotkan pentingnya dukungan dan bimbingan orangtua dan sekolah dalam meningkatkan kemampuan regulasi diri anak. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman kompleks tentang hubungan antara regulasi diri, kemandirian, dan perkembangan anak usia dini. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki implikasi bagi desain program pendidikan anak usia dini dan intervensi yang bertujuan meningkatkan kemandirian dan regulasi diri pada anak-anak.</em></p>2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Motivasi Belajar Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Melalui Program Kerjasama Guru Dan Orang Tua Di TPQ Baitussalam2024-09-27T15:47:32+00:00Nurul Alfiah Nurulalfih33@gmail.comNita Priyanti nita.priyanti78@gmail.comNina Yuminar Priyanti<p><em>Nuru Alfiah. Increasing the learning motivation of children aged 5-6 years through the Teacher and Parent Collaboration Program at TPQ Baitussalam, South Bekasi. Bekasi: Bekasi: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Panca Sakti Bekasi. 2024. This research aims to determine the increase in learning motivation of children aged 5-6 years through the Teacher and Parent collaboration program at TPQ Baitussalam Bekasi. This research uses the Classroom Action Research Method (PTK) which uses the model from Kemmis & Taggart. This research method aims to improve children's learning motivation and parents' thoughts in motivating children's learning. During the research, this classroom action research was carried out in two cycles to see an increase in children's learning motivation, where each cycle consisted of planning activities, action implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects of this research were 10 children aged 5-6 years. This research was carried out at the Tpq Baitussalam located in Bekasi. The data collection technique used in this research was complete participant observation, which means that in carrying out data collection, the researcher was fully involved in the learning. The research results show that through the teacher and parent collaboration program, children aged 5-6 years can increase the learning motivation. Classroom action research was carried out after seeing the pre-cycle situation, namely 45% had not developed yet. Cycle I showed that 60% of children developed as expected and in cycle II there was a very significant increase, namely 86% of children whom developed very well. This research provides an important meaning in choosing the right way to increase early childhood learning motivation through collaboration between teachers and parents. </em></p>2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kemampuan Berbicara Melalui Model SIUUL Pada Anak TK Kelompok B TK Nurul Falah Jakarta2024-09-27T15:48:12+00:00Rita Ruhaeti ritaruhaeti24@gmail.comSri Watini ritaruhaeti24@gmail.comArie Widiyastuti<p><strong>This research aims to improve the speaking abilities of kindergarten Group B children at TK.Nurul Falah Kp.Dukuh, Kelurahan Kebayoran Lama Selatan, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, by using the SIUUL Model (listen, speak, repeat). The speaking abilities include fluency, sentence structure, vocabulary and articulation. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR), conducted collaboratively with teachers and utilizing the Kemmis and Taggart model, consisting of two cycles. Each cycle includes planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the research are 10 children from Group B at TK Nurul Falah Jakarta. The object of the research is the improvement of speaking abilities through the SIUUL Model. Data collection was carried out through observations using observation sheets. Data analysis was conducted descriptively and quantitatively. The success indicator for speaking ability is 75%. The reaseach results indicate that the implementation of the SIUUL Model can improve children’s speaking abilities after the intervention. Pre-Intervention results show that 60% of the children were in the “Not yet Develop’ category, 30% were “Begining to Develop”, 10% were “Developing as Expected”, and none were in the “Very Well Developed” category.After the first cycle of intervention, there was an improvement : 20% were “Not Yet Developed:, 50% were “Begining to Develop” 30% were “Developing as Expected”. Since the first cycle did not meet the expected indicators, a second cycle was conducted, resulting in no children in the “Not Yet Develop’ category, 10% “Beginning to Develop”, 10% “Develop as Expected”, and 80% in the “Very Well Developed” category. Thefore, in the implementation of the SIUUL Model can improve the speaking abilities of Group B kindergarten children at TK Nurul Falah Jakarta.</strong></p>2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tayangan Youtube Riko The Series Terhadap Pengembangan Nilai Agama Dan Moral Pada Anak Usia Dini2024-09-27T15:48:54+00:00Dewi Stiani dewistiani2001@gmail.comRhoma Iskandar roma.iskandar@gmail.comRita Intan Anggraeni<p><strong>Dewi Stiani. The Implementation of YouTube Show Riko The Series on the Development of Religious and Moral Values in Early Childhood. 2024 Thesis. Bekasi. Faculty of Education Sciences, Early Childhood Teacher Education, Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi. This study aims to examine the implementation of the YouTube Show Riko The Series on the development of religious and moral values. It uses an instrument for assessing the development of religious and moral values in 5-6 year old children. The research method employed is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research are children aged 5-6 years in class B at TKQ Daarul Musthofa. Data collection techniques involve observation and documentation, with qualitative data analysis conducted through several activites data reduction, data presentation, and data verification or conclusion. The research findings indicate thar the development of religious and moral values in children (Aged 5-6 years) hes improved after watching the YouTube show riko The Series. This study underscores the significance of early childhood education, particualarly concerning the development of religious and moral values in young children.</strong></p>2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Implementasi Pendekatan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Terhadap Perkembangan Karakter Anak2024-09-29T12:50:41+00:00Inggit Djuningsihinggitdj@gmail.comChandra<p><em>This research aims to find out that the implementation of project-based learning (PjBL) has a positive impact in overcoming the challenges faced by the strawberry generation, such as concentration difficulties, technology dependence, and social distractions. Through project-based learning (PjBL), children are encouraged to be more active, collaborative, diligent and independent in the learning process. This can not only improve cognitive abilities, but also develop positive characters, such as creativity, innovation, empathy and responsibility. This research uses a social phenomenology and human behavior approach in order to focus on the experiences, perceptions, and strategies used by early childhood educators in overcoming the risks of Generation Strawberry. Qualitative data analysis techniques were applied using the help of Nvivo 15 software with data collection methods through interviews, observation and document analysis. The results showed that project-based learning (PjBL) is a promising learning approach in developing early childhood character and overcoming the challenges faced by the current generation.</em></p>2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Guru Dalam Melatih Kemandirian Anak Autism Dengan Metode Pembiasaan Di TK Sinar Indonesia Bekasi2024-10-02T10:35:27+00:00Nadyah Dwi Pratiwi nadyahdwi3@gmail.comYon A.E Yuminar Priyanti<p><strong><em>The Role of Teachers in Training the Independence of Children with Autism with Habituation Methods at Kindergarten Sinar Indonesia Bekasi (2024). Thesis. Jakarta: Panca Sakti College of Teacher Training and Education, Bekasi. 2024.This study aims to test the role of teachers in training the independence of children with autism in Kindergarten Sinar Indonesia Bekasi, using an instrument of independence development with the role of teachers in training the independence of children with autism and the use of habituation methods in stimulating the development of children's independence using the form of the Likert model attitude scale.The research method used is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The subject of this research is an element of the Sinar Indonesia Bekasi Kindergarten institution which includes the Principal, Class Teacher, Accompanying Teacher and one Autism student. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation with a qualitative data analysis process through several activities, namely data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification The results of the study show that the role of teachers as demonstrators, classroom managers and motivators can train the independence of children with autism in Sinar Indonesia Kindergarten. With the habituation method that is carried out repeatedly on children with autism and also collaboration between the principal, classroom teachers and also companions are all things that can train the independence of children with autism at school, in addition to the process of preparation, implementation and evaluation is a consideration to determine whether the child with autism can be independent or not in his daily life at school.The results of this study provide importance for the development of education, especially related to the role of teachers in training children with autism.</em></strong></p>2024-10-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Ekosistem Menggunakan Model PBL DICONTOH (Problem Based Learning, Discovery Learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning, dan Number Head Together) pada Siswa Kelas V SDN Kuin Selatan 1 2024-10-02T10:37:16+00:00 Husnatul<p><em>This classroom action research aims to improve critical thinking skills and learning outcomes in science, specifically on the topic of ecosystems, for fifth-grade students at SDN Kuin Selatan 1 Banjarmasin by using the PBL DICONTOH model (Problem-Based Learning, Discovery Learning, Contextual Teaching and Learning, and Number Head Together). The research employed a mixed-method approach with four stages of action research: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the study were 24 fifth-grade students. The variables observed included teacher activity, student engagement, critical thinking skills, and learning outcomes.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed a significant improvement in all observed aspects. Teacher activity increased from a score of 16 to 24. Active student engagement rose from 21% to 92%. Students' critical thinking skills improved from 17% to 88%, meeting the criteria for active/very active. Learning outcomes also showed improvement across cognitive (17% to 92%), affective (21% to 96%), and psychomotor (17% to 96%) aspects. The application of the PBL DICONTOH model was proven effective in enhancing the quality of learning, critical thinking skills, and students' learning outcomes in ecosystem material. This model encourages active participation, conceptual understanding, and meaningful learning experiences. </em></p>2024-10-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kemampuan Higher Order Thinking Skills dalam Pembelajaran IPA Pada Siswa Kelas V SD N2 Latihan SPG Ambon 2024-10-02T10:37:50+00:00Nila Ardaninillaard@gmail.comMarleny Leasanillaard@gmail.comJohannes<p><em>Kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang harus dimiliki siswa untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Tujuan dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal HOTS dalam pembelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN2 Latihan SPG Ambon. Prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah soal tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kemampuan Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) siswa kelas V SDN2 Latihan SPG Ambon bervariasi secara signifikan, sebagian siswa mampu menunjukan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif dengan baik namun beberapa masih berjuang untuk mengintegrasikan keterampilan HOTS yang lebih kompleks.</em></p>2024-10-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Student’s Speaking Skill Through Communicative Language Teaching Method At SMK Alam Karya Bekasi2024-10-02T10:44:04+00:00Enung Safitriainafaradillah@gmail.comYon A.Eyonae@gmail.comLenny<p><em>The objective of this research is to investigate how the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method can improve students' speaking skills at SMK ALAM KARYA SUKAWANGI BEKASI during the 2023-2024 academic year. This study was conducted using Classroom Action Research (CAR) over two cycles, involving 28 students from Class XI as research subjects. Each cycle consisted of four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.</em></p> <p><em>The results indicated a significant improvement in speaking skills among the students. By the end of the second cycle, 27 out of 28 students (96%) exceeded the Minimum Competency Criteria (KKM), while only one student (4%) remained below this threshold. The application of the CLT method not only enhanced the students’ speaking abilities but also increased their overall engagement in the learning process.This research highlights the effectiveness of innovative teaching models, specifically the use of the action research method in improving English learning outcomes for students. The findings have important implications for educational policy development, particularly in enhancing the quality of students’ learning achievements. Overall, the study provides valuable insights for educators looking to adopt more effective teaching strategies in language education. </em></p>2024-10-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pembelajaran Mozaik Menggunakan Kulit Telur Dalam Meningkatkan Motorik Halus Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di PAUD Asya’iriyah2024-10-03T15:51:26+00:00Dewanti Marlia sari dewantidenty@gmail.comChoiriyahchoiriyahchalid@gmail.comRita Intan Anggraeni<p><strong><em>The aim of this research is to improve fine motor skills through the application of mosaic learning using egg shells to improve fine motor skills in children aged 4-5 years at Asya'Iriyah preschool. This research was carried out in 2 cycles using the Classroom Action Research (PTK) methodology carried out by teachers and researchers. There were 10 students who were research subjects. The research subjects were children aged 4 - 5 years. The instrument used was a child activity observation sheet. This research uses the Kemmis and Mc Taggart research model. The indicator of success in this research is if the child's creativity has reached a minimum of 80%. The development of fine motor skills through mosaic activities using egg shells in children aged 4 - 5 years at Asya'iriyah Preschool increases with each cycle. Based on the increase in cycle I, it increased by 30% and cycle II increased by 60% and this research stated that mosaic learning activities can improve fine motor skills in children aged 4 - 5 years at Asya'iriyah Early Childhood Education.</em></strong></p>2024-10-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Meningkatkan Konsentrasi Anak Pada Usia 4-5 Tahun Melalui Media Loose Parts Di PAUDQ Al-Fitrah Pondok Melati Kota Bekasi2024-10-09T14:59:57+00:00Fildza Maulidya Fildza.d@gmail.comYon Kurniawaty<p><em>Children's concentration is still a problem that needs to be overcome, the concentration span is relatively less than 2 minutes, which has an impact on their overall learning process. This research was carried out at PAUDQ Al-Fitrah and focused on group A aged 4-5 years. The scope of this research was to analyze the application of loose part media for the concentration of children aged 4-5 years. It is hoped that it can provide an effective solution in increasing the concentration of children aged 4-5 years. year. Researchers used classroom action research, and used the Kemmis and Mc Taggart research methods. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. One of the criteria for the success of the action expected in this research is an increase in the concentration of children aged 4-5 years at PAUDQ Al-Fitrah. The research results show an increase in the observation sheets and graphs in chapter IV. The results of research cycles I and II showed an increase in the percentage for each child. In conclusion, the use of loose parts media has proven to be an effective strategy in increasing the concentration of children aged 4-5 years at PAUDQ Al-Fitrah Pondok Melati, Bekasi City</em></p>2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024