About the Journal

Journal of Economics and Business (JEBS) (E-ISSN : 2807-8438)Is a Journal of Research and Scientific Studies published by CV.ITTC - INDONESIA and managed directly by Webinar.Gratis and Even. Editors accept submissions of study and research results in the fields of economics, business, management, accounting, auditing, taxation, entrepreneurship, and knowledge related to conventional and sharia banking.  Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis (JEBS) The journal has been accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Jurnal JEBS currently holds a SINTA 5 rating for the period 2021-2025. The SINTA rating and ARJUNA accreditation reflect Jurnal JEBS commitment to meeting stringent criteria for journal management, quality of content, and contribution to scientific advancement. 


Important Information for Authors


throughout Indonesia

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  1. Panduan submit naskah silahkan klik: http://jurnal.minartis.com/index.php/jebs//panduanpenulisan
  2. Template Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis : https://s.id/Template
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Editorial Team


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Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 6 (2024): November - Desember
Published: 2024-10-07


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Journal Title : JEBS
Subjects : Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JEBS)
  : Indonesia and English
ISSN : 2807-8438 (Online - Elektronik)
Frequency : 3 issues per year (Maret , July and November)
DOI :  doi.org/10.47233/jebs
Editor-in-chief : Mohammad Abdilla
Email : abdillamohammad325@gmail.com
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar

Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis - JEBS diterbitkan oleh CV.ITTC INDONESIA  dan dikelola secara profesional  oleh Webinar.Gratis dan Even.Gratis dalam membantu para akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi untuk menyebarkan hasil penelitiannya.

Webinar.Gratis merupakan sebuah komunitas relawan dalam menyelenggarakan seminar atau webinar

Paper dapat dikirimkan setiap waktu, dengan notifikasi dalam 1 - 2 minggu. Silahkan email : journal.jebs@gmail.com untuk respon lebih cepat. 

Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis - JEBS Frequency: 3 issues per year, Issue 1 (January-April), Issue 2 (May-August), Issue 3 (September-December)