Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat2024-12-01T14:19:24+00:00Editor-in-Chief : Jurnal Pemberdayaan : Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Journal Systems<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; text-align: justify;">Journal Title :<strong> JPMITTC</strong><br />Subjects : Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat<br />Bahasa : Indonesia and English<br />E-ISSN :<strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2962-9624</a> (Online - Elektronik)</strong><br />Frequency : 2 issues per year (Februari and Agustus)<br />DOI :<br />Editor-in-chief : Renita Astri<br />Email :<br />Publisher : CV.ITTC-INDONESIA<br />Citation Analysis : <strong><a href="">Google Scholar</a></strong></p> Teknis Penguatan Wirausaha Pemula di Kota Padang2024-07-03T11:14:02+00:00Riri Putri Dikariri.dika28@gmail.comVivi Puspita<p><em>Many people want to start a small business at home without a lot of capital, and many also don't understand what to do considering there are many limited capital for starting a business, either capital or knowledge. Through technical guidance, you can explore your ability to manage existing resources, human resources become a benchmark in developing entrepreneurship and business potential. Resources that are capable, competent and intelligent in using science and technology in processing business ideas, even more than that, require resources that can innovate to provide added value so that existing resources provide high economic value and are also able to maintain sustainability. This Technical Guidance provides a broad and varied learning experience by combining participants from various backgrounds and roles as well as interactive learning methods. This is very profitable, especially because Bimtek participants come from the general public who need guidance, support and inspiration. Providing participants with detailed entrepreneurial knowledge and materials can help them create an effective action plan for setting up a new business.</em></p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dampak Positif & Negatif Peggunaan Smartphone Bagi Santri TPQ Masjid Nurul Ihsan Alai Kota Padang 2024-07-04T17:26:17+00:00Anggi Hadi Wijayahadiwijaya.anggi@gmail.comSyamsi SyamsiSyamsis387@gmail.comIpriadi<p><em>Advances in technology and information have experienced rapid development in the current era. Smartphones are a form of technological device progress that is easy, practical, and has many functions, namely as a means of communication, a source of information, social networking, a tool for accessing the internet. It's no secret that today's children are exposed to smartphones at a very young age. young. While some people believe that this can be beneficial for their development, there are also those who think that it can be detrimental. Smartphones can provide many benefits for children, For example, they can help improve their cognitive skills and hand-eye coordination. They can also learn new things and get to know different cultures through the use of applications and the internet. However, there is also a risk of children becoming too dependent on smartphones. This is why it is important for parents to monitor children's Smartphone usage and ensure that they use it well and correctly. In this case, students at the TPQ Nurul Ihsan Alai Mosque in Padang City need to be given information about the positive and negative impacts of using smartphones.</em></p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tentang Pengaruh Teknologi Komunikasi Terhadap Siswa Siswi SMA Negeri 1 Lengayang 2024-07-04T17:25:20+00:00Delpa Delpastarring342014@gmail.comWahyu Fitriwahyu.fitri2710@gmail.comAli<p><em>Basically, social media can be used to be oriented towards positive things. However, many gadget users do not maximize the use of social media based on positive values. In fact, many young people, especially female students, are being carried away by advances in communication technology media. It is also not uncommon for some of them not to use gadgets as a medium in the learning process and it is also not uncommon for the next generation to not recognize traditions as their own ancestral heritage. What is even more worrying is that many teenagers today tend to use social media based on online games and it is not uncommon for them to encounter the ITE Law. Basically, they as the younger generation are the hope for their parents, nation and state. The low awareness of gadget users among the younger generation uses social media that is positively oriented, such as their involvement in posts that can contribute to the promotion of their own traditions and culture. Starting from this problem, we from the Communication Science Study Program community service team will carry out Community Service from the Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Business Economics and Social Sciences to Lengayang 1 Public High School, Pesisir Selatan Regency. The aim of this activity is to educate about the importance of using social media oriented towards positive things such as the learning process and maintaining traditions. This activity method uses the lecture method when carrying out Community Service activities. The method for collecting data uses in-depth interview methods (Interview in-Depth) with study informants. In addition, the data collection method also used filling out questionnaires for 200 grade 3 students of SMAN 1 Lengayang. The study concluded that students at SMA 1 Lengayang lacked awareness of using media as a medium to improve and promote their own culture and traditions, so it was necessary to involve students in promotional events in using gadgets as a source of teaching materials and as an opportunity to introduce and promote culture as an approach to empowering traditions in the media. on line</em></p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Penggunaan Gadget Terhadap Penanaman Nilai – nilai Moral pada Anak TPQ Masjid Nurul Ihsan Padang 2024-07-22T15:50:07+00:00Novalia Indranovaliaindra67@gmail.comRecy Harviani Zurwantyrecyharviani@gmail.comElmi<p><em>Community Service (PKM) is one form of the Tridharma of Higher Education. This PKM is proposed to carry out socialization and educational activities in one of the mosques in the city of Padang with the theme: Socialization of the Use of Gadgets to instill moral values in TPQ children at the Nurul Ihsan Mosque, Padang, West Sumatra. This activity is proposed to socialize the impact of using gadgets on instilling values and morals in children in Padang. Therefore, we focus on carrying out this activity so that children in Padang can control themselves over the large influence of technology on children's morals today, especially we can see children in the city of Padang. so that children in the city of Padang can know the many influences of using gadgets today. If we cannot control ourselves in using technology nowadays, it can lead to a lack of instilling values and morals in today's children. So many children today do not have good values and morals in everyday life. After implementing the PKM that we carried out for the TPQ children of the Nurul Ihsan Mosque in Padang, which you led, hopefully it can become knowledge and a lesson for the TPQ children of the Nurul Ihsan Mosque in Padang.</em></p>2024-07-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Budidaya Tanaman Sagu (Metroxylon sp) Pada Suku Moi Di Kampung Jeflio Distrik Mayamuk Kabupaten Sorong2024-07-29T16:55:23+00:00Mira Herawati Soekamtomira.soekamto@gmail.comIrnawati Irnawatiirnawatif@gmail.comNiny Jeni Maipawninyjenimaipauw@gmail.comReijeng Tabararegentabara@gmail.comAzis<p>Tanaman sagu sebagai penghasil pati telah menjadi sumber makanan pokok bagi masyarakat asli Papua dan memiliki populasi yang tinggi sehingga menjadi potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber pangan alternatif di masa depan, sehingga perlu dijaga kelestariannya. Permasalah yang ada adalah rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat papua dalam budidaya tanaman sagu, sehingga perlu dilakukan melalui kegiatan pelatihan budidaya tanaman sagu bagi suku Moi di Kampung Jeflio. Melalui kegiatan diseminasi budidaya tanaman sagu pada masyarakat Jeflio diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan budidaya tanaman sagu. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan diawali dengan identifikasi masalah, proses pembibitan, dan penanaman di lapangan serta evaluasi hasil penanaman dengan melihat tingkat keberhasilan pertumbuhan tanaman sagu. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan penanaman dan pertumbuhan bibit tanaman sagu di lapangan mecapai keberhasilan yang tinggi, yaitu 97 % dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan juga sangat tinggi dari adanya keikutsertaan hingga kegiatan pemeliharaan di lapangan.</p>2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kepemimpinan Digital Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Pada PAC Fatayat NU Pinang2024-07-30T15:57:27+00:00Abdul Intan<p><em>The emergence of the digital era and Industry 4.0 has brought a paradigm shift in understanding and practicing leadership. This concept is known as ‘digital leadership,’ emphasizing the importance of adapting to information technology and communication developments. The community service partner in this case is the Branch Leader (Pimpinan Anak Cabang or PAC) of Fatayat NU Pinang, located at Jl. M. Jali RT 02/03, Kunciran Jaya Subdistrict, Pinang City, Tangerang 15153. Fatayat NU Pinang is a community service partner classified as economically and socially non-productive. Their routine activities typically involve education, training, and religious social activities.</em></p> <p><em>Based on this context, the Faculty of Communication and Language at Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika will conduct a community service activity titled ‘Digital Leadership Workshop to Enhance Communication Skills for PAC Fatayat NU Pinang.’ The choice of this title is based on the challenges faced by the partner: (a) limited knowledge and understanding of digital leadership concepts, and (b) limited skills and abilities in using digital media as an organizational communication channel. The proposed solutions to address these challenges include: (a) providing workshop materials on basic digital leadership concepts, and (b) conducting a workshop on practical usage of Zoom meetings as a communication tool. The planned activity involves simulation sessions, optimizing Zoom features such as screen sharing, breakout rooms, polling, and chat. The expected outcomes of this community service project are articles in local electronic media and an increase in participants’ knowledge, understanding, skills, and abilities related to digital leadership and communication.</em></p>2024-08-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dasar Instalasi Listrik Di Pondok Pesantren Markaz Hadist Bilal Bin Rabbah2024-09-01T15:13:21+00:00Kartika Abdul<p><em>Basic electrical installation training prepares participants with the knowledge and skills to install, maintain, and repair electrical systems safely and efficiently. The training, which is packaged in community service activities (PKM) at the Markaz Hadist Bilal bin Rabah Islamic Boarding School in Tangerang Regency, aims to provide practical knowledge and skills for students so that they not only have religious knowledge but also technical skills in electrical matters that can be useful for them, at least for themselves and their immediate environment.However, in the future, if they have sufficient skills supported by a license or certification from a professional certification body related to the electrical sector. In this case, they can utilize these skills to carry out electrical installation work legally and safely in commercial and public contexts. The results achieved in this activity were that the students could participate in basic electrical installation training activities well, and most of the students were satisfied with the training they received and showed enthusiasm for further learning in the field of electricity</em>.</p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Berbicara Di Depan Umum Pada Yayasan Mandiri Citra Mentawai2024-10-25T02:13:54+00:00Gusnayetti Gusnayettigusnayetti0108@gmail.comEmi Handrinaemihandrina@gmail.comDavid<p> <em>The development and application of science and technology, which is a higher education academic activity and a form of community service, is more focused on efforts to solve problems faced by society and improve the quality of human resources. Community service by the Imam Bonjol Padang College of Social and Political Sciences is the practice of science and technology carried out institutionally through scientific methods directly to communities who need it in an effort to make development a success. Direct practice means conveying the science and technology to be applied, disseminated or demonstrated directly to the target community outside the campus. The community service method is carried out in relation to determining schedules, dividing tasks, determining the number of participants and extension materials, so various meetings are held to discuss and exchange ideas among members implementing the extension. These meetings aim to determine plans and receive input related to the extension activities that will be carried out. , Public speaking requires certain techniques. The speaker must be able to attract the audience's attention so that they continue to listen to what he is saying. Regardless of whether the scope of the situation is official or not, before appearing in public, the speaker must prepare and ensure several supporting things in advance so that the speaking activity runs smoothly. Things that need to be prepared can come from internally to the speaker or from externally. Public speaking can take the form of scientific presentations, seminars, speeches or scientific orations, debates, and so on. </em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pembelajaran Pembukuan Bendahara Melalui Aplikasi Hyperlink Excel 2024-11-13T16:05:20+00:00Musthafa Sabariahjurnal.ittdc@gmail.comDorit<p><em>Book finance class treasurer very important to learning students on regulator fiancé the class with right passing write and croscek using ms excel to dashboard hyperlink. This tekhnic must be learning as development specialist knowledgement students MTS Darul Hikmah to add knowledg about tehknology information that relevamce by management class.. Facilty dasboards hyperlink from Ms excel can easy manner right, regular, thorough, and can easy croscek from write transaction finance according to faster with use Hyperlink </em></p>2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sadar Wisata Bagi Anggota Forum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Limau Manis2024-11-08T07:43:35+00:00Sepri Mareta Ar<p>Keterbatasan pengetahuan masyarakat Limau Manis hal ini termasuk anggota Forum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Limau Manis, dalam mengelola potensi ekowisata Puncak Labung Limau Manis menjadi sebuah daya tarik belum dapat dimaksimal dengan baik. Maka diperlukan solusi yang tepat untuk menjawab persoalan yang dialami anggota Forum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Limau Manis. Solusi dalam bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Pendekatan yang digunakan Metode Service Learning (SL) melibatkan serangkaian langkah yang mengintegrasikan pembelajaran akademis dengan pelayanan sosial kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan ini berupa pelatihan sadar wisata bagi Forum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Limau Manis, pelatihan ini diharapkan akan memberikan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan di bidang pariwisata, terutama sadar wisata dan sapta pesona. Pelatihan ini berhasil meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai pentingnya Sapta Pesona dalam pengembangan ekowisata. Diharapkan, program serupa dapat dilaksanakan secara berkala untuk mendukung pengembangan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat yang berkelanjutan.</p>2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Perubahan Dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Jual Beli Untuk Memenuhi Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Toko Helm Cabang Taplau2024-11-16T15:36:50+00:00Amirah Fauziah3161amirahfauziah@gmail.comBunga Henida Putribungahenidaputri01012004@gmail.comZahra Nadhira Islamyfitriyani134511@gmail.comRamdhani Bayu Putrazahra62552@gmail.comFitriyani<p><em>This Community Service aims to determine the effect of changes in increasing buying and selling to meet customer satisfaction at the Taplau Helmet Shop. Changes are very influential in the productivity of buying and selling in this shop, especially changes in weather conditions, good productivity really determines customer satisfaction. Problems found when conducting research are: sales and purchases at this shop are uncertain, there are many competitors who have similar businesses. The solution to this problem is to increase sales both offline and online, set a wiser strategy, provide more varied prices than competitors. This article was prepared by observation, collecting data in interviews, and documentation. The research results show that customer satisfaction depends on the buying and selling productivity provided by the shop</em></p>2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analisis Upaya J&T Cargo Marapalam Padang Dalam Melakukan Perubahan Di era Teknologi Digital2024-11-17T11:03:54+00:00Awam Mukhatam Riziqawamriziq2@gmail.comNadilla Silva Fitrinsilvafitri@gmail.comNiati Syafputriniatisyafputri0104@gmail.comMuhammad Rizkimuhammadrizkimei@gmail.comRamdhani Bayu<p><em>This Community Service aims to find out J&T Cargo efforts to make changes in the era of digital technology. Change is the change of situation from the old to the new. Change is a difference in circumstances from a certain phase to another phase. Changes made by J&T Cargo Padang in digital technology such as e-commerce platforms. for example shopee, lazada, olx, etc. with the development of this technology, it has made quite good changes by increasing the delivery of goods, as well as the payment system with mobile banking and QRIS barcodes, so that payments from both customers and J&T Cargo are easier and faster, there is a COD (Cash On) system Delivery) check first, and there is a new system, namely, a real time or recession system. This article was prepared by observation, collecting data in interviews, and documentation. The research results show that J&T Cargo Marapalam Padang adheres to the Emergent Change theory, which shows that J&T Cargo is able to make critical or sudden changes by having to adapt and this is a must considering current technological developments which provide quite large advantages and benefits.</em></p>2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analisis SWOT Perencanaan Pariwisata Pada Forum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Limau Manih2024-11-13T16:17:14+00:00Rafidola Mareta Komala Dewiranti_kd2@yahoo.comSelvia Ananda<p><em>Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini lakukan dengan tujuan membuat analisis SWOT perencanaan pariwisata pada kawasan yang dikelola oleh Forum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Limau Manih, Kota Padang. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Untuk mendapatkan informasi-informasi dalam perecanaan pariwisata digunakan analisis SWOT strengths (kekuatan), weaknesses (kelemahan), opportunities (peluang), dan threats (ancaman). untuk menyusun langkah-langkah pengembangan kawasan Puncak Labuang Limau Manis sebagai kawasan objek wisata di Kota Padang. Hasil dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berupa analisis SWOT perencanaan pariwisata untuk kawasan Puncak Labuang yang dikelola oleh Forum Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Limau Manih.</em></p>2024-11-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Manajemen Perubahan Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Pelanggan Dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Di Café Greete Lubeg2024-11-21T15:43:21+00:00Shinta Permata Sarishintapermatasari0801@gmail.comDasril Dasriljurnal.ittdc@gmail.comMaria Florellajurnal.ittc@gmail.comZhilan Syabrilla Permata Rafinejurnal.ittc@gmail.comRamdhani Bayu<p><em>This Community Service aims to find out the Change Management Strategy to Increase Customer Interest by Utilizing Technology at Café Greete Lubeg. Technology plays a crucial role in facing these challenges. The use of technology can not only improve operational efficiency, but also provide a better experience for customers. From online ordering systems, loyalty apps, to social media for promotions, the use of technology can create closer interactions between cafes and customers. Change management at Greete Café aims to ensure businesses are able to adapt to evolving market dynamics, technology, and customer needs.</em></p>2024-11-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Meningkatkan Daya Saing Organisasi Melalui Pendekatan Manajemen Perubahan Kolaboratif Di Erick Minimarket Lubeg2024-11-22T16:00:17+00:00Firdaus FirdausFdaus030203@gmail.comAnggi Angrainiangrainianggi832@gmail.comMaylan Mulanimaylanmulani229@gmail.comWina DelfiraWinadelfira6@gmail.comRamdani Bayu<p><em>The purpose of this study is to examine how information technology and organizational change management can be used to support business sustainability in MSMEs in Padang City. To face today's business competition, the role of information technology and organizational change management is very important, because information technology functions as a manager of information available at that time. Change management provides a structured approach to assist individuals in an organization in transitioning from their current state to their desired state. Organizational change management is concerned with identifying groups and individuals who must change. Not only that, organizational change management requires the development of a specific plan to successfully implement change. The main purpose of change management is to prepare for a smooth and successful transition.</em></p>2024-11-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Daya Saing Melalui Penerapan Manajemen Perubahan Berbasis Teknologi Pada UMKM Luthfi Swalayan Dan Komputer2024-11-24T16:31:26+00:00Cindy Apriliaindy.aprl20@gmail.comPrima Senja Anandasejaberkat@gmail.comSindi Uswatun Hasanahsindiii567@gmail.comMuhammad Agung Zamzamagungzamzam165@gmail.comRamdani Bayu<p><em>The aim of this research is to examine how digital technology and organizational change management can be used to support business sustainability in MSMEs in Padang City. To face current business competition, the role of information technology and organizational change management is very important, because information technology functions as a manager of the information available at that time. The methodology used includes a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with business owners and direct observation of operational processes. The research results show that change management provides a structured approach to assist individuals in an organization in transitioning from their current state to their desired state. Organizational change management is concerned with identifying groups and individuals who must change. Not only that, organizational change management requires the development of specific plans to successfully implement change. The main goal of change management is to prepare for a smooth and successful transition</em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pengaruh Manajemen Perubahan Pada Kinerja Karyawan Di Playground Silungkang2024-12-01T14:19:24+00:00Butet Sagalabutetsagala700@gmail.comAndini Pustika Sarijurnasl.ittc@gmail.comRidhella Bukharijurnasl.ittc@gmail.comSri Laila Ulfajurnasl.ittc@gmail.comRamdani Bayu<p><em>This article discusses the impact of change management on employee performance at Playground Silangkang, an entertainment venue undergoing significant transformation in its organizational structure and operational policies. Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study aims to identify how the implemented changes affect employee motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction. Data was collected through interviews, surveys, and company document analysis, and analyzed using statistical methods along with change management theories. The findings indicate that effective change management can enhance employee performance, but it requires good communication strategies, adequate training, and supportive leadership. This study provides valuable insights for companies in designing and implementing changes that can support the achievement of organizational goals and improve employee performance in the future.</em></p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024