Teknologi Filtrasi Pm10 Berbahan Cao Limbah Cangkang Tiram Bertenaga Surya Terintegrasi Iot
Oyster Shell, Filtration, Calsium Oxide, PM10, Air PollutionAbstract
PM10 merupakan salah satu jenis polutan berbahaya. Konsentrasi rata-rata tahunan PM10 di Indonesia melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan oleh WHO. BNPB menjelaskan bahwa CaO menjadi teknologi modifikasi cuaca dalam mengatasi kebakaran hutan yang mengandung PM10. Cangkang tiram merupakan salah satu penghasil CaO hingga 85%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah agar mampu merancang teknologi filtrasi PM10 berbahan dasar kalsium oksida limbah cangkang tiram bertenaga surya terintegrasi Internet of Things yang efektif dan efisien. Metode penelitian ini dimulai dari studi literatur, perancangan, pembuatan, pengujian, hingga evaluasi kinerja alat. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan filter CaO dapat memfilter PM10 bahkan PM1 dan PM2,5 dengan efisiensi sebesar 78±0,047%. Hasil uji kelistrikan menunjukkan adanya penambahan tegangan sebesar 8,68 ± 0,19 V tiap jam dengan pengisian aki selama 2,8 jam. Hasil uji morfologi filter CaO terlihat adanya pengotor (PM10) yang menempel pada permukaan filter. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknologi filtrasi ini cukup efektif dalam memfilter PM10.
Kata Kunci: Cangkang Tiram, Filtrasi, Kalsium Oksida, PM10, Polusi Udara
Particulate matter 10 (PM10) is a type of harmful pollutant. The annual average concentration of PM10 in Indonesia exceeds the threshold set by World Health Organization (WHO). National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) explained that calcium oxide (CaO) is the weather modification technology in dealing with forest fires containing PM10. Oyster shell is one of the producers of CaO that can produce up to 85%. The purpose of this research is to be able to design effective and efficient tools to obtain PM10 filtration technology based on calcium oxide from oyster shell waste that is solarpowered and integrated with the Internet of Things. The research method starts with a literature study, design, manufacture, and testing to evaluate the tool’s performance. The test results show that the CaO filter can filter PM10 and even PM1 and PM2,5 with an efficiency of 78±0,047%. The results of the electrical test show that there is an additional voltage of 8,68±0,19 V per hour with 2,8 hours of battery charging. The results of the morphology test of the CaO filter after filtering PM showed the presence of white spot impurities (PM10) attached to the filter surface. It can be concluded that filtration technology is quite effective in filtering PM10.
Keywords: Oyster Shell, Filtration, Calsium Oxide, PM10, Air Polution
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